Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 with ASP ColdFusion and PHP

J. Bardzell
Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 with ASP ColdFusion and PHP
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Designed for intermediate Web designers and developers with no previous experience with programming or server-side technology. Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 with ASP, ColdFusion and PHP: Training from the Source has been fully-updated, not just for the latest version of Dreamweaver but for today's Web. It's now standards--compliant, with a site created using one of Dreamweaver's brand-new CSS templates, that includes Ajax elements in the dynamic site design. Users ready to take the next step and make their Web sites interactive will find the same easy-to-read, logical, well-constructed projects, but with a site based on the latest Web technology.
Data wydania: 2007
ISBN: 978-0-321-46106-3, 9780321461063
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Adobe Press

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