Air 1

Katsura Yukimaru
Air 1
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Yukito Kunisaki is on a journey, seeking a girl with wings who flies in the sky, as mentioned in a childhood tale. During this journey, he settles down in a small town, trying to make some money. There, he meets a strange girl named Misuzu. Misuzu quickly makes Yukito her friend and invites him to stay with her. Yukito decides to stay in the small town, and continue searching for the winged girl his mother had searched for in her life.  
Data wydania: 2005
ISBN: 978-4-04-713742-4, 9784047137424
Język: japoński
Wydawnictwo: Kadokawa Shoten
Cykl: Air, tom 1
Kategoria: Komiks
Stron: 185

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Air 2
Air 2
Katsura Yukimaru
Yukito Kunisaki is on a journey, seeking a girl with wings who flies in the sky, as mentioned in a c...
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