Art of Japanese Architecture

D. Young
Art of Japanese Architecture
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The Art of Japanese Architecture explores the simplicity, asymmetry, sensitivity to the natural environment, and use of natural materials that are the hallmarks of Japanese architecture. These elements are explored and clarified in this cultural and historical overview of the rapidly changing world of Japanese architecture. Beginning with a discussion of prehistoric pit dwellings and concluding with a description of significant modern buildings, David and Michiko Young, authors of the 2006 American Horticultural Award-winning book, The Art of the Japanese Garden, analyze the major changes in architecture caused by the introduction of Buddhist culture, the development of feudalism, the influence of Western culture and the adaptation of the international style in contemporary buildings.
Data wydania: 2007
ISBN: 978-0-8048-3838-2, 9780804838382
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Tuttle Company

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