Averting Aids Crises in Eastern Europe & Central Asia

Averting Aids Crises in Eastern Europe & Central Asia
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The Eastern Europe and Central Asia Region is experiencing the world's fastest-growing HIV/AIDS epidemic and a large burden of tuberculosis. Controlling HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis is a corporate priority for the World Bank Group. This Regional Support Strategy translates the Bank's commitment into an agenda for action in the region. It seeks to: Provide a unifying framework for the Bank's work as part of international support for country-led responses to HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis. Clarify options for integrating effective interventions against HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis into the broader agenda of poverty reduction and economic development. Identify the main barriers limiting the effectiveness of HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis control efforts, and actions to eliminate them. Define the short- to medium-term priorities for the World Bank's work in the region, with emphasis on the Bank's comparative advantages and high-impact partnerships.
Data wydania: 2003
ISBN: 978-0-8213-5580-0, 9780821355800
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: World Bank

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