Avery's Diseases of Newborn

Avery's Diseases of Newborn
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This new edition of THE definitive resource in perinatology and neonatology is completely revised and updated to incorporate the latest advances. It comprehensively explains how to care for neonates using today's best methods. Written by 72 specialists actively involved in the care of sick newborns, it is an authoritative reference for practitioners, a valuable preparation tool for neonatal board exams, and a useful resource for the entire neonatal care team.* Focuses on diagnosis and management-while also describing pertinent developmental physiology and the pathogenesis of neonatal problems. * Features completely revamped Neurosurgical, Cardiovascular, and Maternal-Fetal Medicine sections with brand-new Section Editors. * Includes over 365 crisp illustrations that clarify important concepts and techniques.
Data wydania: 1998
ISBN: 978-0-7216-5751-6, 9780721657516
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Saunders - W. B. Saunders

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