Berlitz Earworms Rapid Spanish Audiobook

Berlitz Earworms Rapid Spanish Audiobook
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Simply by listening to these specially composed melodies with their rhythmic repetitions a few times, the sound patterns are indelibly burned into your auditory cortex. You will have successfully learned the phrase and have the correct accent ringing in your ears. Listen a few times to be able to ask for a table in a restaurant, order food and drink, take a taxi, rent a car, buy tickets, deal with money, numbers, times and days, ask for directions, deal with typical problems, hold a simple conversation and more. Wherever you are, whatever you are doing: In the car, while jogging, in the bath, doing the can be learning a language at the same time! Upload it to Ipod or other MP3 player for use on the go.
Data wydania: 2008
ISBN: 978-1-905443-23-9, 9781905443239
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Berlitz Publishing S.A.

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