CAD/CAM Principles Practice & Manufacturing Management

Chris MacMahon
CAD/CAM Principles Practice & Manufacturing Management
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Explores the processes of defining a product design with the aid of computers, of developing manufacturing plans and instructions for the product, and of managing the manufacturing system itself. It provides a balanced coverage of both aspects of CADCAM as well as introducing the reader to the principles of Production Planning and Control.This edition improves and expands many sections, in particular that covering 'CAM'. In addition, new features such as 'project-style' exercises and a free solutions manual reinforce the book's position as the leader in its field. Provides new examples (case studies) from industry, placing the theory in context. Features new project-style exercises, illustrating each of the steps involved in the development of a finished product. Includes an expanded 'CAM' section including extra material on process planning, rapid prototyping, CNC machines and NEW material on robotics and automation. Introduces a new chapter on the emerging challenges in the subject, examining current developments and future directions for CADCAM. Extensive references to books and websites, pointing to more in-depth material where appropriate.
Data wydania: 1998
ISBN: 978-0-201-17819-7, 9780201178197
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Addison Wesley Publishing Company

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