Concise Learning and Memory

J. Byrne
Concise Learning and Memory
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Concise Learning and Memory is a one volume selection of 30 chapters from Learning and Memory - A comprehensive reference, the most comprehensive source of information about learning and memory ever assembled (Academic Press March 2008). A truly authoritative collection of overview articles representing fundamental reviews of our knowledge of this central cognitive function of animal brains, the book provides an affordable reference and textbook for students and scientists in all areas of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Molecular Biology. Topics range from the neurochemistry and neurobiology of learning at the cellular and synaptic levels, systems neurobiology, ethological and behavioristic analyses, mechanisms, psychology, and disorders of learning and memory in humans, the work broadly covers all topics in the neurobiology and psychology of learning and memory. There is no other single volume reference with such a comprehensive coverage and depth. The authors selected are the leading scholars for the particular topics on which they write.
Data wydania: 2008
ISBN: 978-0-12-374627-6, 9780123746276
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Academic Press

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