Designing Outdoor Environments for Children

L. Tai
Designing Outdoor Environments for Children
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This unique resource expertly details the design, installation, and maintenance of sustainable children's landscapes and play areas Numerous case studies cover projects including storybook courtyards, music and barnyard gardens, nature trails, wildlife habitats, memorial, and edible gardens. Key features This is the only resource for planning, designing, installing and maintaining children's landscapes and play yards Case studies cover projects ranging from storybook and barnyard courtyards to nature trails, wildlife habitats, and memorial and edible gardensThis unique resource expertly details the design, installation, and maintenance of sustainable children's landscapes and play yards. Numerous case studies cover projects including storybook courtyards, music and barnyard gardens, nature trails, wildlife habitats, memorial, and edible gardens.This is the only resource for planning, designing, installing and maintaining children's landscapes and play yardsCase studies cover projects ranging from storybook and barnyard courtyards to nature trails, wildlife habitats, and memorial and edible gardens
Data wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-0-07-145935-8, 9780071459358
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: McGraw-Hill

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