Economics 7e

William Boyes
Economics 7e
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The Fifth Edition strengthens the connection between basic economic principles and students' lives by balancing an accessible, lively writing style with a unique pedagogical framework. Arranged according to the proven Fundamental Questions learning system, each chapter highlights 5–10 fundamental precepts through questions which appear at the beginning and are repeated in the margins to mark the relevant content. End-of-chapter summaries refer back to these questions to create a consistent framework of instruction.
The text's internal Referencing System reinforces a hierarchy of ideas by designating a number for each section and subsection—cited consistently in Key Terms, end-of-chapter Summaries, and the supplements package.
Pedagogical aids help students to understand and assimilate the material: Recaps provide a short list of main points; Key Terms are defined both in the text and the margins; and Exercises act as self-checks which can also be assigned as homework.
Data wydania: 2007
ISBN: 978-0-618-76125-8, 9780618761258
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Clarion Books

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