Euripides and the Tragic Tradition

Ann Norris Michelini
Euripides and the Tragic Tradition
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This perceptive and fluently written study is a valuable contribution to our understanding of the complex and anomalous work of Euripides." - Choice "Euripides and the Tragic Tradition asks all the right questions. It forces us to confront the many contradictions in Euripides' work, demonstrates the differences between the literary assumptions of Sophocles and Euripides, and challenges us to respond to Euripidean drama with sophistication and sensitivity.
Data wydania: 2006-10-02
ISBN: 978-0-299-10764-2, 9780299107642
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: University of Wisconsin Press
Stron: 400


Ann Norris Michelini Ann Michelini is the author of numerous articles and two books on Greek tradedy. Her current research focuses on the literary aspects of Platonic dialogues, including an edited volume, Plato as Literary Author.

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