Eye For An Eye

Frank Muir
Eye For An Eye
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St. Andrews, Scotland, has become home to the most vicious serial killer Britain has ever known. Striking only during thunderstorms, choosing only victims who abuse women, the Stabber has Detective Inspector Andy Gilchrist and his team baffled until victim number six turns up in the form of a respected bank manager, Bill Granton. A surprise witness gives Gilchrist and his partner, the embittered Detective Sergeant Sa Preston, their first solid lead to the Stabber's identity. However, the uproar from the media gives Gilchrist's boss, the hateful Detective Chief Inspector Mark Patterson, his golden opportunity to suspend Gilchrist and bring in the Scottish Crime Squad. Driven by his fear of failure, desperate to redeem his reputation, Gilchrist takes on the case alone. The novel reworks the genre of simple revenge thriller and adds a real psychological depth to proceedings.  
Data wydania: 2008-08-01
ISBN: 978-1-906307-53-0, 9781906307530
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Luath Press
Cykl: DCI Gilchrist, tom 1
Stron: 256
dodana przez: bookkeeper

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