Do you dream of living in a posh London flat, or a charming Tuscany farmhouse, or a sleek Manhattan loft? With a little Faux Chic, you can create the magnificent space of your wildest dreams -- no matter where you live. This beautifully illustrated yet practical guide addresses every element of faux design and decor, including walls and ceilings, furniture, floors, windows, collectibles, and accessories. You can achieve virtually any look you want -- without blowing your budget. What's more, it's fun! Best-selling decor author Carol Endler Sterbenz teams with her designer daughter Genevieve A. Sterbenz; together they take you on a fabulous journey through the you the wonderful world of faux chic. It's not just sponge painting any more -- Faux Chic is a style all its own, rich and elegant and original. Make it yours -- and your home will be the more beautiful for it.