Giving All to You

L.M. Carr
Giving All to You
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To save Mia Delaney, the absolute love of his life, Adam Lawson made the extremely difficult choice to leave, taking his two beautiful children with him. Shattered and alone, Mia was left to mend her broken heart and deal with the consequences of loving Adam. Now he's back and won't let anyone or anything deter him from what he wants most- to have Mia and his family together as they should be. But just as Mia begins to trust him, a deep and painful secret is revealed. Can one night, one careless decision, change so much? Will it be too much for them to endure? Will this revelation be the final blow to crush each of their dreams?  
Data wydania: 2015-11-01
ISBN: 1-5188-7184-4, 1518871844
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Cykl: The Giving, tom 3
Stron: 336
dodana przez: katapika

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