Anna Wray
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Get back to basics with Handmade Graphics, which will reinvigorate everygraphic designer's image- making process. Reawaken your dormant "artstudent," step away from that computer, get your hands dirty, and start toplay! From pencils to computers, from scissors to paper, from stencils toprinters, a vast array of mark-making tools are investigated andmanipulated, illustrated with examples and exercises that stretch thelimits of conventional usability, reinvent traditional, hand-makingmethods, and break all the rules along the way. As well as the usualmark-making devices, a range of left-field methods and processes are alsoexplored, employing household materials and found objects, and subvertingthe correct usage of digital and electronic devices. So, if you're agraphic designer looking for inspiration beyond the usual off-the-pegsolutions, this ideas-packed handbook offers a comprehensive "toolbox" oflow-tech materials, high-tech equipment, old school tools, and subtlysubverted methods and processes. After a good dose of hands-on mark-making,take those experiments back to your computer to create eye-catching andunique graphic solutions.
ISBN: 978-2-88893-077-8, 9782888930778
Wydawnictwo: Rotovision

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