How to Manage

J. Owen
How to Manage
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This is the ultimate ‘how to’ of management, covering all the vital hard and soft skills of management but in a readable, witty and wise form. This unique book contains all the critical information found in large manuals but delivers it in the preferred more inspiring and personal form of a readable handbook. As every frontline manager knows, the theory of management is one thing but the actual day-to-day real life experience can be something else. In the real world, busy managers need to know what to do and how to be as effective, productive and successful as possible. This is the first book to cover the 30 essential hard and soft skills of a ‘manual’ but in a readable, easily absorbed and insightful way. If you're only going to read one book on management ever, this is it.
Data wydania: 2009
ISBN: 978-0-273-72698-2, 9780273726982
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Prentice Hall
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