Human. The Definitive Visual Guide (wydanie anglojęzyczne)

Robert M. L. Winston
Human. The Definitive Visual Guide (wydanie anglojęzyczne)
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What does it really mean to be human? How do we actually differ from apes? All your questions and more are answered in this breathtaking family reference guide. Join Robert Winston on a unique journey to discover every aspect of our existence. From how we function to how we think and act, Human reveals the diversity of our lives and explores our extraordinary past, our fascinating present, and our astonishing future. Covetable new edition in reduced size format at a great price Reveals the spectacular variety of human culture through art, customs, beliefs and rituals Dramatic photography and illustrations provide an astounding look at how the living body works Defining what it means to be human, the guide explores every aspect of our existence and concludes with a though-provoking look at what the future holds for us. Human is an unforgettable insight into every aspect of our incredible lives. “remarkable . . . illustrates and explains Life, the Universe and Everything.” Daily Mail “a masterclass in the complex orchestration of word, image and layout.” Independent “does a cracking job of putting people in perspective.” Independent “ . . lavish illustration and slavishly detailed description . . . this is one book you’d probably want to give to a visiting alien for a quick heads-up about what we humans are all about.” Focus Magazine
Data wydania: 2005
ISBN: 978-1-4053-1155-7, 9781405311557
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: A Dorling Kindersley Book

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