Israel & the Palestinian Territories 5e

Melissa Raphael
Israel & the Palestinian Territories 5e
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This is the only up-to-date guide on the market that covers both Israel and the Palestinian Territories. It contains History chapter by Matt Rees - former "Time" magazine Jerusalem bureau correspondent; Environment chapter by Israel's highest profile environmental activist, Dr Alon Tal (Israel's answer to David Suzuki or Peter Garrett); all-new, in-depth coverage of volunteering opportunities, including kibbutzim; all-new, in-depth coverage of language courses, ecotourism projects, hiking, diving and wineries. It includes detailed coverage of the most popular side trips from Israel: Petra and the Sinai Peninsula, complete with maps.
Data wydania: 2007
ISBN: 978-1-86450-277-0, 9781864502770
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: LONELY PLANET
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Melissa Raphael Melissa Raphael
Urodzona 12 lipca 1960 roku

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