John Paul II The Story of Karol Wojtyla

Alain Vircondelet
John Paul II The Story of Karol Wojtyla
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Offering the reader a rare personal insight into the private life of one of the most memorable figures of the twentieth century, Pope John Paul II is more than just a biography. Through its numerous photographs - many seen here for the first time - this volume reveals the remarkable traits of an unforgettable character: strength coupled with tenderness, piety with angst, and the indefatigable courage of a great religious leader. Through the sensitively written texts of a Vatican insider, discover the private and moving side of Karol Wojtyla. A diverse array of photographs document not only the man at work but also divulge touching scenes from his private life: childhood pictures with classmates, bicycle rides and camping expeditions, as well as quiet moments of reflection during his papacy. From his pious upbringing in Poland, through the war-marked years of his adolescence, to priesthood and finally divine election, Pope John Paul II traces the life of an individual who will remain forever an inspirational mentor.
Data wydania: 2004
ISBN: 978-2-08-030460-5, 9782080304605
Wydawnictwo: Flammarion


Alain Vircondelet Alain Vircondelet
Urodzona 24 lipca 1947 roku w Algierii (Algier)
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