Minor Injuries

Dennis Purcell
Minor Injuries
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Minor Injuries is a unique and accessible guide to the clinical examination and treatment of minor injuries. It brings the essential knowledge and skills together in a single text.A comprehensive range of the conditions likely to present in each area is described with clear instructions on examination, as well as guidelines on whether to treat or refer. The effective treatments for most injuries are given and their relative merits discussed. The book is highly illustrated to demonstrate anatomical features and the clinical skills for treating injuries.This is an essential guide for nurses and nurse practitioners working in minor injuries clinics, emergency departments, in occupational health roles and in the community. * Highly illustrated to demonstrate anatomical features and the clinical skills for treating injuries * Covers a comprehensive range of the conditions likely to be encountered * Guidelines on whether to treat or refer are given to boost confidence in this new area
Data wydania: 2003
ISBN: 978-0-443-06277-3, 9780443062773
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Churchill Livingstone

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