New World Reader

Gilbert H. Muller
New World Reader
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This multicultural, thematic reader takes on thought-provoking, global issues. "The New World Reader" presents first-year writing students with 66 timely essays by established writers on the most significant issues of the post-September 11th world. Working with recently published selections from well-known writers, students will have the opportunity to consider such strategic questions as the changing face of America, the challenges and consequences of globalization, the just response to terror, the international digital revolution, and the fate of the global environment. Challenged by notable contemporary thinkers and writers, students will be encouraged--individually and as members of a community--to come to grips with a world that is now subject to complex transformations.Sixty-six lively selections by well-known writers feature such authors as Annie Dillard, Barbara Ehrenreich, Thomas L. Friedman, Henry Louis Gates, Jr., Barbara Kingsolver, Mario Vargas Llosa, George Orwell, and Arundhati Roy.A consistent editorial apparatus with a sequenced approach to exercises includes brief chapter introductions, author headnotes, and prereading questions that offer students a preview of the central issues raised by the writers in each section. Exercise sets follow each essay, giving students writing, reading, discussion, and exploration opportunities.Carefully integrated visual materials enrich and enliven the issues raised in the written selections.The dynamic, interactive web site provides instructors with prompts for teaching chapter material and essays, answers to questions, and additional questions and activities. For students, the site offers engaging visual and music portfolios, sample student essays, interactive guidelines for grammar and writing, and links to other sites.
Data wydania: 2007
ISBN: 978-0-618-79653-3, 9780618796533
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Clarion Books

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