Organization Theory & Design

Richard L. Daft
Organization Theory & Design
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Richard Daft's best-selling text, "Organization Theory and Design", integrates the most recent thinking about organizations, classic ideas and theories, and real world practice, in a way that is interesting and enjoyable for students. Throughout the text, detailed examples illustrate how companies are coping in the rapidly changing, highly competitive, international environment. It is one of the most systematic and well- organized texts in the market. It helps students and managers prepare for the challenges they will face in the real world. This edition provides a thorough revision to showcase current examples and research alongside time-tested information. While organization studies and real world examples are insightful for understanding organizations and solve real-world problems, Daft also integrates numerous features that give students opportunity to apply concepts and develop skills and insights.
Data wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-0-324-42271-9, 9780324422719
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: South-West Thomson Learning

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