Picturing & Poeting

Fiona MacCarthy
Picturing & Poeting
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"The title of this book is a remark allegedly made by Kurt Schwitters to an acquaintance when asked what he was going to do that day. Frankly, considering his poor command of English, it seems unlikely. Anyway, the intention was clear. He was off to make things." - Alan Fletcher. Following on the success of "The Art of Looking Sideways", "Picturing and Poeting" presents an eye-catching and mind-teasing collection of visual games, doodles, graphic objects, sketches and quotations, that demonstrates how images can often convey meaning more clearly than text. It is a fascinating and entertaining exploration of the potential that words have to become pictures, and that drawings have to convey meanings, as well as an intriguing collection of ephemera. Assembled from the notebooks and travel diaries of Alan Fletcher, over a lifetime of noticing the detail and wit in everything and applying his own unique style, this book will appeal to everyone who enjoys visual games, puns and witty stories. Accompanied by succinct and insightful observations into the nature of meaning and the workings of images, this book attempts to illustrate the inner workings of one of the most creative minds and most internationally influential figures in graphic design working today.
Data wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-0-7148-4712-2, 9780714847122
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Phaidon Press Ltd


Fiona MacCarthy Fiona MacCarthy
Urodzona 23 stycznia 1940 roku w Wielkiej Brytanii
Fiona MacCarthy należy do największych biografistek naszych czasów. Angielska krytyczka sztuki i literatury przez wiele lat była związana z „Guardianem”, pisała także do „The New York Review of Books” i „Times Literary Supplement”. Wielkie uznani...

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