
Michelle Horst
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6 /10
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All my life I’ve been hiding, until there is no corner on this god-forsaken earth left for me to hide. I have to pay for the sins of my father. No one with Ellison blood in their veins is allowed to live, and I am the last of my bloodline. I am kept in a container waiting for my death sentence to be carried out, when he comes. He is only known as ‘Predator’. No one knows who he works for, only that he leaves no one alive. His every breath is filled with the last gasp of his dying prey. But for some reason he doesn’t kill me. I don’t know which is worse, the death sentence hanging over my head, or being at his mercy. If you need a warning before reading a book, then this book is not for you. +18 ONLY. A Stand Alone Suspense Romance Did you love Predator?  
Data wydania: 2016-04-29
ISBN: 978-1-5327-4846-2, 9781532748462
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Cykl: Men of Honor (Michelle Horst), tom 1
Stron: 404
dodana przez: bookkeeper

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Michelle Horst
She barged her way into my life and demanded that I be her friend. That was the best day of my life....
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