
Michelle Horst
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She barged her way into my life and demanded that I be her friend. That was the best day of my life. The day Quinn took one look at my sorry ass, and decided I needed her. She was right. I can't live a day without her smile. She's my heart and soul. I've become her shadow, always threatening any guy that dares to even look at her. I've fallen for my best friend. I wish I'd told her sooner how much I love her. I was five minutes late. That's all it took for him to take her. He ripped the sun right out of my life. In the darkest of nights, even your shadow leaves you. Those are the only words she's spoken to me since that night. They haunt me, a constant echo in the emptiness left behind. Because of him, she now fears me. But I'll be patient with her. I'll get my sunshine back once I've dealt with him. He's had a taste of her and just like me, he's addicted. He'll come for her again and when he does, I'm going to make him suffer. I'm a Jackson. I've learned from the best. He's a dead man walking and I'm the Grim Reaper. The book ends at 73% with samples of Predator and Protector. All the books in the Men of Honor series can be read as stand alones. Predator - Alex and Nina - now available Redemption - Eli and Quinn - now available Legacy - Ethan and Finlay - coming soon.  
Data wydania: 2017-09-26
ISBN: 978-0-9849311-7-0, 9780984931170
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Kindle Edition
Cykl: Men of Honor (Michelle Horst), tom 2
Stron: 194
dodana przez: bookkeeper

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Michelle Horst
All my life I’ve been hiding, until there is no corner on this god-forsaken earth left for me to hid...
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