Shortcuts to Poland

Laura Klos-Sokol
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Shortcuts to Poland
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8 /10
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Whether you`re visiting or working in Poland, this book will help you better understand Poles` everyday behaviors-and perhaps some of your own in a cross-cultural situation. Going beyond pierogi and vodka, you`ll learn how to have a conversation, behave as a guest, be a good work colleague and make friends. The cultural insights on Polish behaviors and values will make you feel more comfortable in Poland... or at least a bit less puzzled. While directed at Americans, the examples and observations will appeal to anyone interested in cross-cultural communications. This 3rd edition includes updates and new chapters on work, kids, dogs and more.
Data wydania: 2010
ISBN: 978-83-931058-0-9, 9788393105809
Wydawnictwo: IPS
Kategoria: Literatura faktu
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