Textbook of Psychiatry

B. Puri
Textbook of Psychiatry
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A textbook of psychiatry for medical students that presents the subject in a graphic and accessible wayAn accessible presentation of psychiatry, which makes free use of graphics, text boxes and tables - less wordy and heavy than many competing books.Gives a balanced view of the two opposing camps in psychiatry, the organic and the psychodynamic.Sets psychiatry in a wider context appropriate to most students who will encounter psychiatric problems in the community or on medical or surgical wards rather than in a specialist psychiatric settingInclusion of recent relevant scientific findings, for example relating to BSE and CJD.Expansion of section on forensic psychiatry, particularly with regard to safety issues with violent patients.General updating throughout.Covers changes in drug treatment
Data wydania: 2002
ISBN: 978-0-443-07016-7, 9780443070167
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Churchill Livingstone

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