The Magpies

Mark Edwards
The Magpies
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When Jamie and Kirsty move into their first home together they are full of optimism. The future, in which they plan to get married and start a family, is bright. The other residents of their building seem friendly too: the horror writer and the middle-aged herbalist who live upstairs, and the Newtons, a married couple who welcome them to the building with open arms. At first, the two couples get on well. But then strange things start to happen. Dead rats are left on their doorstep. They hear disturbing noises, and much worse, in the night. After Jamie's best friend is injured in a horrific accident, Jamie and Kirsty find themselves targeted by a campaign of terror. As Jamie and Kirsty are driven to the edge of despair, Jamie vows to fight back – but he has no idea what he is really up against… THE MAGPIES is a terrifying psychological thriller in which the monsters are not vampires or demons but the people we live next door to. It is a nightmare that could happen to anyone.  
Data wydania: 2013-04-02
ISBN: 978-1-4839-1189-2, 9781483911892
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Cykl: The Magpies, tom 1
Stron: 400
dodana przez: kazal_ka

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