The Price of Mason

Linda Kage
The Price of Mason
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I might’ve ruined any chance I ever had at a meaningful relationship when I decided to become a male prostitute at eighteen, but that was okay. I paid off my mom’s debt, the rent, my sister’s hospital bills. I put food on the table and kept eviction notices at bay. It was worth it. But was it worth the price of my soul? Two years later, this job has begun to kill me in every way but physically, until SHE comes along. Reese is the breath of fresh air I need. She makes me smile, she makes me laugh, she makes me want more. But how can we ever be together after all the choices I’ve made? Listing one mistake after another, these are my confessions and how we came through to the other side. *** The Forbidden Men series concludes with THE PRICE OF MASON by looping back to the beginning and retelling PRICE OF A KISS through his eyes. Just when you thought you knew everything, here’s the rest of the story. WARNING: Not a safe book (because yeah, the dude's a prostitute) but also not the most taboo thing ever published. Some explicit content. -- Yes, it CAN be read as a standalone!  
Data wydania: 2018-11-30
ISBN: 1-7310-4393-7, 1731043937
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Independently published
Cykl: Forbidden Men, tom 10
Stron: 492

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