The Tattooed Heart

Michael Grant
The Tattooed Heart
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Mara has already witnessed more evil as the Messenger’s apprentice than most people do in their lifetime, but the games continue. The Messenger leads Mara to the funeral of a Muslim boy named Aimal, who died standing up for his people, and then to an abandoned store, where they discover Graciella, a girl battling addiction. The all-knowing Messenger recognizes that they are victims of heinous crimes. Mara and Messenger will find the wicked—those who act out of selfishness and greed, and others who become violent because of prejudice and hate. But Mara and Messenger pay a price too. For every person who is offered justice, they will wear a tattoo that symbolizes the heart of the crime. And as Mara delves deeper into her harsh reality, she is suprirsed to realize that part of her is drawn to the sometimes compassionate Messenger. In spite of all the terror she and Messenger inflict, Mara will discover that caring in this world is the hardest part of all. The second book in New York Times bestselling author Michael Grant’s Messenger of Fear series, The Tattooed Heart combines fantasy with real-world horror stories to create a satisfying conclusion.  
Data wydania: 2015-09-22
ISBN: 978-0-06-220743-2, 9780062207432
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Katherine Tegen Books
Cykl: Posłaniec strachu, tom 2
Stron: 400
dodana przez: bookkeeper


Michael Grant Michael Grant
Urodzony 26 lipca 1954 roku w USA ( Los Angeles)
Amerykański pisarz urodzony w 1943 roku, współtwórca między innymi bestsellerowych serii "Animorphs" oraz "Everworld". Od wielu lat żonaty z K. A. Applegate, szczęśliwy mąż i ojciec dwojga dzieci. Większość życia spędził w ruchu. Wychował się w wojsk...

Pozostałe książki:

Faza druga: Głód Faza trzecia: Kłamstwa Faza czwarta: Plaga Faza pierwsza: Niepokój Faza piąta: Ciemność Faza szósta: Światło Posłaniec strachu BZRK BZRK Reloaded Hero Monster The Tattooed Heart Villain
Wszystkie książki Michael Grant

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Michael Grant
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