Ellen Lupton
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The organization of letters on a blank sheet—or screen—is themost basic challenge facing anyone who practices design. What type of fontto use? How big? How should those letters, words, and paragraphs bealigned, spaced, ordered, shaped, and otherwise manipulated? In thisgroundbreaking new primer, leading design educator and historian EllenLupton provides clear and concise guidance for anyone learning or brushingup on their typographic skills.Thinking with Type is divided into three sections: letter, text, and grid.Each section begins with an easy-to-grasp essay that reviews historical,technological, and theoretical concepts, and is then followed by a set ofpractical exercises that bring the material covered to life. Sectionsconclude with examples of work by leading practitioners that demonstratecreative possibilities (along with some classic no-no's to avoid).
ISBN: 978-1-56898-448-3, 9781568984483
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: PRINCETON AP

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