Thrilling Ethan

Anna Paige
Thrilling Ethan
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Leading a double life isn’t easy. Leading a double life when you’re famous is nearly impossible. Luckily, I'm always up for a challenge. For years, I’d balanced both worlds. More than that, I was killing it. A successful music career, Drummer for the most popular rock band in the world, And I’d amassed a huge following as a painter— Even if no one knew it was me. I had it all. Or I thought I did. Then I went toe-to-toe with my alter-ego’s biggest fan, Who tried to throw me out of my own art show. And made me realize exactly what I’d been missing. The thrill of sharing my secret bonded us, But that wasn’t why she consumed me. I never bought into the idea of love as the ultimate muse. Emily Westin was about to make me a believer.  
Data wydania: 2018
ISBN: 978-1-9875-2265-5, 9781987522655
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Cykl: Thrill of the Chase, tom 2
Stron: 424

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