The thrilling new novel from the author of The Thorn Birds One day, onecity, twelve murders. The year is 1967 and the world teeters on the brinkof nuclear holocaust as the Cold War goes relentlessly on. On a beautifulspring day in the little city of Holloman, Connecticut, chief of detectivesCarmine Delmonico walks into the prestigious Chubb University halls to begreeted by a limp corpse clamped in a bear trap, all traces of life drainedfrom it. And this is just the beginning. Twelve murders have taken place inone day and suddenly Carmine has more pressing matters on his hands thanfinding a name for his newborn son. Supported by his detective sergeants,and new team member -- the meticulous Delia Carstairs -- Delmonico embarkson what look likes an unsolvable mystery. All the murders are different.Are they dealing with one killer or many? And if twelve murders were notenough, Carmine soon finds himself pitted against the mysterious spy,Ulysses -- who is giving local arms giant Cornucopia's military secrets tothe Russians. Are the murders and espionage different cases, or are theysomehow linked?