
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "steel end", znaleziono 7

Moja żona zawsze powtarzała mi, że żyję w świecie pełnym tęczy, promyków słońca i happy endów. (...) Wychowałem się w rodzinie, w której szczególnie zwracano uwagę na szczęście. Staram się to zachować. A poza tym wolę cieszyć się z czasu, który pozostał mi z córką, niż spędzać go na płaczu.
When my parents weren’t watching the news, they were either waiting to watch the news or recovering from watching the news. The news confirmed their feeling that things were terrible everywhere, and there was nothing anyone could do about it apart from keep abreast of developments. I’ve avoided the news ever since.
I’m not flaunting anything. I’m just existing. This is me. I can’t hide myself. I can’t disappear. And even if I could, I don’t fucking want to. I have the same right to be here. I have the same right to exist.
If you want your book to lead the pack, you must write in a genre and deliver a manuscript that suits you as an author, in terms of both your talent and skills and your background and education (formal and informal—for some books, for instance, time spent in prison can come in handy), and write on a subject for which there is an audience, in a manner that communicates your story and message. All this is to give yourself the best possible shot at finding the readers who will buy your book. Barry, Sam (2010-05-18). Write That Book Already!: The Tough Love You Need To Get Published Now (p. 107). F+W Media, Inc Kindle Edition.
Editors are inundated with submissions, and every editor comes into work each day to find a new stack of manuscripts and proposals. They are all looking out for books in their area of interest or expertise, and they are trying to avoid books that are too similar to something else the house has recently bought or published, as well as books by fanatics, lunatics, and terrible writers. Barry, Sam (2010-05-18). Write That Book Already!: The Tough Love You Need To Get Published Now (p. 95). F+W Media, Inc Kindle Edition.
Our species has a strange fascination for the 'last' and the 'lost'. The thrill of an experience that future generations can enjoy is as nothing compared to the value of seeing something that subsequently was ruined. He who sees last, sees best. Just a grieving relatives will argue about who had the last word with the deceased.
- Odkąd ustalono, że pecunia non olet, coraz więcej ludzi nie śmierdzi groszem. - Empatia zeszła na psy, z ludzi.
- Tym, którzy skwapliwie realizują postulat carpe diem zwykle trudno jest zdążyć przed północą.
- Some argue that (possibly due to evolution) animals became more human and humans more animal.
- We do not want to be a minority; we want to be a privileged minority.
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