
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "stosy edie", znaleziono 2

Jako gwóźdź do (swojej?) trumny przytoczę okrutne, ale wciąż prawdziwe słowa Liwiusza: Ea natura multitudinis est: aut seruit humiliter aut superbe dominatur; libertatem, quae media est, nec struere modice nec habere sciunt. (Oto natura pospólstwa: albo służalczo się płaszczy, albo bezczelnie się panoszy; wolności, która jest pomiędzy tymi dwiema skrajnościami, ani cierpliwie budować, ani utrzymać nie umie). Mocne!
If you want your book to lead the pack, you must write in a genre and deliver a manuscript that suits you as an author, in terms of both your talent and skills and your background and education (formal and informal—for some books, for instance, time spent in prison can come in handy), and write on a subject for which there is an audience, in a manner that communicates your story and message. All this is to give yourself the best possible shot at finding the readers who will buy your book. Barry, Sam (2010-05-18). Write That Book Already!: The Tough Love You Need To Get Published Now (p. 107). F+W Media, Inc Kindle Edition.
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