"Four years passed and by now, Bitsy and I had acquired a little more seniority and a bit more panache."
oj tak :) When I'm drivin' in my car And that man comes on the radio He's tellin me more and more About some useless information Supposed to fire my ...
Korn - Get up The Lord and the Devil are now playing chess, The Devil still cheats and wins more souls, And as for the Lord, well, he's just doing ...
A ja wczoraj zamówiłem: 21 Dog Years: Doing Time @ Amazon.com 501 Web Site Secrets: Unleash the Power of Google?
Ulubionych cytatów mam bardzo wiele, więc przytoczę jedynie kilka: -Nightwish - Dead Boy's Poem "Sing what you can't say Forget what you can't play Ha...
The country has two vanilla seasons, the June-July harvest and December-January harvest.
But for others, a learning disability may be a gift, requiring them to work harder and achieve more, or have a special focus or talent.
. – The Beatles unseen archives (120zł) Hollanek A. – Jeszcze trochę pożyć (1980) Hollanek A. – Ukochany z Księżyca (1979) Howard R.E. – Bogowie Bal-S...