Czarnoksiężnicy nawiedzali wyobraźnię ludzką od tysięcy lat. Każdy wiek i każda kultura ma własnych magów, którzy wstawiają się u duchów, znają prastare sekrety, potrafią przywoływać ukryte moce, wid...
How many secrets can one house hide? Just when Lizzie thought the only problems she had in life were her crazy family and far too many nightmares, the house reveals yet another secret. This time it's...
When Andy Gilchrist is called to a crime scene to find an amputated hand clutching a note addressed to him he is pulled into an investigation that will test him. Soon other single word clues are found...
While the battle for the compensation of Thalidomide victims was raging in the 1970s, former Labour MP Jack Ashley asked in a parliamentary debate how Louise, then 11 years old, could look forward to ...