
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "and_ hand", znaleziono 21

Public Land Law in Poland; Resureces, Administration and USE
Public Land Law in Poland; Resureces, Administration and USE
Michał Możdżeń-Marcinkowski

Monografia składa się z 6 rozdziałów dotyczących zagadnień administracji publicznej, gruntów publicznych oraz szeroko pojetej gospodarki nieruchomościami. Książka przybliża anglojęzycznemu czytelnikow...

From Celtic, Etruscan and Roman Hands: The Po River Valley and Modena (Mutina)
From Celtic, Etruscan and Roman Hands: The Po River Valley and Modena (Mutina)

Research Paper from the year 2010 in the subject History - World History - Early and Ancient History, printed single-sided, grade: 90, University of San Francisco, course: Roman History, language: Eng...

Polin A Land of Forests and Rivers. Images of Poland and Poles in Contemporary Hebrew Literature i
Polin A Land of Forests and Rivers. Images of Poland and Poles in Contemporary Hebrew Literature i
Ronen Shoshana

Praca prezentuje obraz Polski i Polaków w hebrajskojęzycznej literaturze Izraela ostatnich kilkudziesięciu lat, ma charakter analityczno-opisowy. Szczególne miejsce przypada tzw. literaturze drugiej g...

Selected Hydrogeologic Problems of the Bohemian Massif and of other Hard Rock Terrains in Europe
Selected Hydrogeologic Problems of the Bohemian Massif and of other Hard Rock Terrains in Europe

Hydrogeologic properties of hard rocks and investigation methods in fractured environment Numerical modelling of water system in hard rock Chemical and isotopic studies Impact of human activity on fra...

Orbis aethiopicus. Beitraege zu geschichte, Religion und Kunst Aethiopiens Band X. Ethioppian Art-a Unique Cultural Heritage and Modern Challenge
Orbis aethiopicus. Beitraege zu geschichte, Religion und Kunst Aethiopiens Band X. Ethioppian Art-a Unique Cultural Heritage and Modern Challenge
Asfa Wossen Asserate

Książka opisująca (z przykładami) m.in. sztukę, religię i dzieje Etiopii.

Andy Goldsworthy

This beautifully produced, highly praised and readable retrospectivesurvey of Andy Goldsworthy's early work covers the fourteen years between1976 and 1990. It embraces not only his ephemeral works - r...

Blood and Land
Blood and Land
J. C. H. King

'A history of resilience ... sweeping, comprehensive ... it's a story that has been waiting to be told' Guardian 'An account sorely needed ... a kaleidoscopic view of Native American history, refreshi...

And That's When It Fell off in My Hand
And That's When It Fell off in My Hand
Louise Rennison

And That's When It Fell off in My Hand

Sports Injuries of the Elbow and Hand An Issue of Hand
Sports Injuries of the Elbow and Hand An Issue of Hand
W. Geissler

Athletic injuries of the upper extremity are on a rise for numerous reasons. The incidents of 'weekend warrior' injuries continue to grow due to the baby boomers generation ideology of staying fit. In...

Soils Land and Life
Soils Land and Life
S. Buol

Developed for non-agricultural majors, Soils, Land, and Life, 1st Edition, examines how and why various types of soil and land are used for human food production. Unbiased in approach, it discusses th...

3 wydania
Jeffrey Kastner, Brian Wallis

Jeffrey Kastner, based in New York, is a writer on art and culture. SeniorEditor of Cabinet magazine, he is a former Senior Editor of ARTnews, andContributing Editor of Art Monthly. As well as lecturi...

Arthritis and Arthroplasty The Hand Wrist and Elbow
Arthritis and Arthroplasty The Hand Wrist and Elbow
J. Isaacs, B. Chhabra

The Hand, Wrist, and Elbow—a volume in the new Arthritis and Arthroplasty series—offers expert guidance on everything from patient selection and pre-operative planning to surgical approaches and techn...

Lord John and the Hand of Devils
Lord John and the Hand of Devils
Diana Gabaldon
Cykl: Lord John Grey, tom 1

Zbiór trzech opowiadań z cyklu Lord John Grey: "Lord John and the Hellfire Club" (tom 0.5), "Lord John and the Succubus" (tom 1.5) oraz "Lord John and the Haunted Soldier" (tom 2.5). In "Lord John an...

Principles of Hand Surgery and Therapy 2e
Principles of Hand Surgery and Therapy 2e
E. Thomas

Principles of Hand Surgery and Therapy—by Thomas E. Trumble, MD—is a single-volume, full color, highly illustrated working manual that encompasses all of today's essential knowledge on hand surgery an...

The Hand, the Eye and the Heart
The Hand, the Eye and the Heart
Zoe Marriott

Zhilan was assigned female at birth. Despite a gift for illusions, they know they are destined to live out their life within the confines of the women’s quarter. But when civil war sets the empire afl...

Where Land and Water Meet
Where Land and Water Meet
N. Langston

Water and land interrelate in surprising and ambiguous ways, and riparian zones, where land and water meet, have effects far outside their boundaries. Using the Malheur Basin in southeastern Oregon as...

Gandhi Hind Swaraj and Other Writings
Gandhi Hind Swaraj and Other Writings
Mahatma Gandhi

Hind Swaraj is Mahatma Gandhia -- s fundamental work. It is a key to understanding not only his life and thought but also the politics of South Asia in the first half of the twentieth century. For the...

Round and Other Cold Hard Facts
Round and Other Cold Hard Facts
Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio

Set largely in locations along the French Riviera, these eleven short stories depict with great compassion the harsh realities of life for the less-privileged inhabitants of this privileged region. Di...

Hands. What We Do with Them and Why
Hands. What We Do with Them and Why
Darian Leader

How much do you really know about your own hands? Throughout history, civilisations have been defined by the work of human hands: inventing tools, writing records, operating machinery, typing, texting...

MRI of the Upper Extremity Shoulder Elbow Wrist and Hand
L. Steinbach

This highly illustrated text/atlas is a complete guide to MRI evaluation of shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand, and finger disorders. The editors present a practical approach to MRI interpretation, emphasiz...

100 Sunrooms: A Hands-on Design Guide and Sourcebook
100 Sunrooms: A Hands-on Design Guide and Sourcebook
David Wilson

100 Sunrooms: A Hands-on Design Guide and Sourcebook

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