This work contains the best of America's advertisements from the 1950s.
A far cry from the aggressive ads we`ve become used to, American printadvertisements from the first two decades of the 20th century were almostshockingly pleasant. Intricately designed and beautifully...
This text offers a colourful plethora of American advertisements andnewspaper articles from the swinging 60's for just about anything thedollar could buy.
At the dawn of the 1930s, modernism started to influence the Americanadvertising industry as waves from the European avant-garde movement madetheir way across the Atlantic. The ads of the 1930s reveal...
Historia plakatu amerykńskiego lat 70. Bogato ilustrowane wydanie. Miękkaokładka, wymiary 19,6x26,5 cm, 704 strony. Both eclipsed and influencedby television American print ads of the 1970s departed f...
Young swordsman Dieter Lanz suffers both victory and defeat in battle in a long, brutal campaign against an orc and goblin army.
Saul Bellow's fiction, honored by a Nobel Prize and a Pulitzer, among other awards, has made him a literary giant. Now, in his first nonfiction collection, Bellow's learned and original mind shines th...
Prohibition made liquor illegal and all the more fun to drink. Speakeasies,luxury cars, women`s liberation, bathtub gin and a booming economy kept thecountry`s mood on the up-and-up. Women sheared off...