Najlepsze anegdoty o Chucku Norrisie oraz śmieszne montaże i rysunki. Top Ten faktów o Chucku Norrisie. 1. Łzy Chucka Norrisa leczą raka. Ale jest tak hardcorowy, że nigdy nie zapłakał. 2. Chuck Norri...
For decades Close's larger-than-life and unflinchingly honest paintings of friends and family, and self-portraits have won admiration from a wide audience. Having reinvented portraiture for the late t...
Katalog list kontrolnych (tzw. check-list), obejmujący kryteria oceny podstawowych umiejętności pielęgniarskich, to niezbędne narzędzie do kształtowania kompetencji bezpiecznej praktyki pielęgniarski...
Brawurowa powieść o upadku I Rzeczpospolitej, o targowicy i karcianych szulerach. Literacka gra o najwyższą stawkę. Kim był Chack? Nie sposób odnaleźć go na kartach historycznych opracowań i podręczni...
Czy uda się Chuckowi uratować spadającego Czerwonego?
Czy matematyka może być łatwa? Pewnie, że tak! Z tą książką, w towarzystwie ulubionych bohaterów Angry Birds, nauka stanie się dziecinnie prosta. Książka posiada sztywne strony oraz specjalne wysuwane...
Książeczka mająca formę quizu przygotowana z myślą o najmłodszych adeptach nauki języka angielskiego.
Mallory Greenleaf is done with chess. Every move counts nowadays; after the sport led to the destruction of her family four years earlier, Mallory’s focus is on her mom, her sisters, and the dead-end...
From the bestselling Bridget Jones's Diary that started the trend to the television sensation Sex and the City that captured it on screen, "chick lit" has become a major pop culture phenomenon. Bankin...
This innovative board book, with wonderfully bright illustrations, has afabulous novelty that is sure to delight young readers. With die-cut holesthroughout, children can say "Peepo!" to all the anima...
Since 1968, when he made the first of his monumental portraits, American artist Chuck Close has explored that formal problem of representing the human face. This book accompanies a mid-career retrospe...
Samantha’s unexpected family reunion should have been full of joy, not ghosts and murder. To prove her innocence, Sammy must investigate a haunted hotel. Can she solve the mysteries of the past and p...
Clear and easy-to-use, with full instructions and quick-reference contents page, make this resource ideal for both self-study and classroom use including teacher-directed group work. It includes teach...
This reference features tests for practice in computing vocabulary.
This workbook provides material to learn English with marketing vocabulary. It contains 47 activities, including word games. puzzles and quizzes to help improve specialist English vocabulary.
The chicken is the standard model for avian and vertebrate brain anatomy, particularly in development. "The Chick Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates" contains 200 coronal plates and diagrams, 40 sagitta...
Christine Winecki is a Holocaust child survivor. In her book she presentsthe story of her life, starting with the fond memories of her earlychildhood in south-eastern Poland, and then taking the reade...
This workbook provides exercises to help teach build vocabulary needed for the popular TOEFL examination, which is an entry requirement for non-native speakers at more than 6 000 universities worldwid...
This workbook provides material to learn English with military vocabulary. It contains a range of activities, including word games, puzzles and quizzes to help improve specialist English vocabulary. I...
Check Point NGX R65 is the next major release of Check Point's flagship firewall software product, which has over 750,000 registered users. Check Point's NGX is the underlying security software platfo...
This workbook provides exercises to help teach and build the English vocabulary needed for the popular IELTS examination. It has been written for students at intermediate to upper-intermediate level, ...
Ideal for non-native English speaking law students or overseas-trained legal staff seeking employment in Britain Perfect as a study aid for the Test of Legal English Skills examination Easy-to-use, ac...
It includes a range of activities to help students build and improve their English vocabulary, and is suitable for both self-study and classroom use.
This workbook provides exercises to help teach and build English vocabulary. It has been written both for students who are studying towards professional exams, and for those who want to improve their ...
As well as telling the story of how Chuck Yeager reached this momentous achievement, the author also profiles the life of a man who became an American hero and celebrity. The book is split into five c...
This edition features a range of activities to help students learn and revise the non-technical vocabulary essential for the study of any subject at a UK university.
This workbook provides exercises to help teach and build English vocabulary relevant to the hotel, tourism and catering industries. It has been written both for students studying towards professional ...