De retour d?une expédition ethnographique dans les Andes, des savants occidentaux sont, l?un apres l?autre, victimes d?une étrange catalepsie, dont ils n?émergent périodiquement que pour manifester le...
An official sequel to Jim Henson’s cult classic fantasy film The Dark Crystal. Years have passed since the Dark Crystal was healed and peace was restored on Thra. Though Jen and Kira have ruled as K...
While Thurma’s arrival creates chaos at the Crystal Castle, Aughra tries to get a glimpse of what the future may hold for the Fireling and Kensho, and discovers a familiar darkness on the horizon: Ske...
The return of the Skeksis kicks Jen out of a daze and back on the offensive in the name of Thra. Meanwhile, Kensho and Thurma look to escape the Crystal Castle unnoticed.
While Jen and Kira deal with the chaos the Skeksis have brought on the castle, Thurma and Kensho are out in the wilds of Thra on the run from the Crystal Guard, unaware that something far more treach...
While Jen and Kira deal with the chaos the Skeksis have brought on the castle, Thurma and Kensho are out in the wilds of Thra on the run from the Crystal Guard, unaware that something far more treach...