Niemal dwa wieki po wojnie atomowej ludzkość wciąż próbuje powstać z kolan. Jednak… czy wyciągnęła wnioski po ostatnim upadku? Śmieciarze. Oddziały zatrudnione do sprzątania upadłego świata z jego n...
Humor miesza się tu z bezwzględną drwiną, dogania rzeczywistość, gazuje, przegania i pokazuje jęzor. Bezpretensjonalna powieść o nas wszystkich: Ludziach i Polakach!
Human Design pokaże ci, kim naprawdę jesteś, i pozwoli odblokować pełnię twojego potencjału. To rewolucyjny system oparty częściowo na astrologii, jednak zdecydowanie od niej precyzyjniejszy, poniewa...
Album ze zdjęciami gwiazd muzyki takich jak: Jimmy Page, Led Zeppelin, Eddie Vedder i wielu innych.
Reviews and recent results of studies with medically important fungi. Throughout the volume, outstanding mycologists treat the ecological role of pathogenic fungi, how they cause disease, their intera...
Human security is about everyday realities of violent conflict and poverty, humanitarian crises, epidemic diseases, injustice and inequality. It is about freedom from fear and freedom from want. It is...
The proportions and movements of the human body are determined by the skeleton, joints and muscles. This book provides an insight into the body`s structure and its movements, with over 1200 illustrati...
Infections must be thought as one of the most important, if not the most important, risk factors for cancer development in humans. Progress has been particularly rapid in this field over the last 25 y...
Seasonal fluctuations in mortality are a persistent phenomenon across populations. In Western countries of the Northern hemisphere, mortality is typically larger in winter than in summer which is attr...
Rising and decreasing body temperatures can have dramatic effects on the both metabolism and physical performance, and this textbook for students and researchers of biology, thermal medicine, exercise...
This book offers a precise description of the anatomy of human hippocampus in view of neurosurgical progress and the wealth of medical imaging methods available. A survey of the current concepts expla...
This work focuses on the imperatives of justice at the national, regional, and international levels through an analysis of civil, political, economic, and social rights. There are two reasons for this...
Książka ta dotyczy przede wszystkim sytuacji zawodowej i życia osób zarządzających personelem. Zawiera praktyczne wskazówki dotyczące rekrutacji nowych pracowników a także informacje, jak sformułować ...
features fascinating detailed images of the human figure from the 19th century. In the mid- and late 19th century, substantial advancements in medical science were made, in part as a result of the dev...
Oddawana do rąk Czytelnika monografia jest pierwszą anglojęzyczną publikacją prezentującą w sposób kompleksowy regulacje prawne Rady Europy dotyczące medycznie wspomaganej prokreacji. Autor, po przeds...
Exploring the contemporary international human rights regime, this volume assesses the factors predominantly responsible for human rights violations in transitions societies, long-term consequences of...
Either as an illustrated dictionary or comprehensive atlas, this handy book has served healthcare professionals across disciplines as a trusted companion to for decades. Now fully updated with more th...
Man's interest in plants in mainly for food and medicines. The history of herbal medicine is as old as human civilization. In the past, almost all the medicines were used from the plants, the plant be...
Primitive people of all ages derived knowledge of medicinal plants from the very beginning through trial and error. From time immemorial, diseases have been a part of human life and they sometimes hav...
Plants are natures remedies and have been used on the earth for food and medicine since ancient times and Indian herbs have gathered a fan following world over, because of their of their simple healin...
Ethnomedicine and Human Welfare (Volume II) From time immemorial, diseases have been a part of human life and they sometimes have threatened the existence of human race on the face of the earth. Conse...
This book is an attempt to reflect on HRM (Human Resource Management) in Poland between 1989 and 2009. It is based on the theoretical studies and empirical analyses undertaken by the Chair of Human Ca...
Wolf-Heideggers Atlas of Human Anatomy, revised, updated and modernized completely by Prof. Dr. med. Petra KĂśpf-Maier, appears new in two volumes. This 5th edition of this classic of anatomy is the r...
Are human rights gaining or losing ground? This question has become relevant after two decades of unprecedented progress in developing human rights standards and institutions. The political climate du...
The importance of yeast pathogens causing life-threatening systemic and tenacious superficial infections in humans has been steadily increasing over the last few decades. Species of the genus Candida,...
Endothelial dysfunction is now regarded as an early marker of vascular disease and therefore an important target for therapeutic intervention and discovery of novel treatments. Ideal for both basic an...
Czy znasz skuteczny sposób na odczytanie swojego wykresu Human Design? Poznaj wyjątkowy system energetyczny, który w znaczący sposób wpłynie na twój rozwój osobisty i duchowy. Na drodze do pogłębien...
A well-balanced combination of a clinical text, reference material and multicolor illustrations make this review of musculoskeletal anatomy eminently useful for students and practitioners alike. The n...
A well-balanced combination of a clinical text, reference material and multicolor illustrations make this review of nervous system anatomy eminently useful for students and practitioners alike. The ne...