Knowledge processing and decision making in agent-based systems constitute the key components of intelligent machines.
Marketing Communications Industry (MCI) is considered to be critical to the Indian economy as it provides advantages to indigenous enterprises in the face of intense global competition. In recent year...
?Berlin jest ogromnym miastem pod każdym względem; niektórzy twierdzą nawet, że imponującym. Od chwili połączenia zachodniej i wschodniej części metropolii coraz łatwiej znaleźć tu dogodny nocleg, odp...
TensorFlow służy do projektowania i wdrażania zaawansowanych architektur głębokiego uczenia. Jego zaletami są prostota, wydajność i elastyczność. Umożliwia budowanie złożonych rozwiązań na bazie różno...
Ta książka to analiza obecnej sytuacji rynkowej zmienionej przez Internet, szalony postęp technologiczny i globalizację. To wskazanie nowej drogi dla marketingu właściwego erze informacyjnej.
Examining the history and intellectual activity of the medieval Svetambara Jain renunciant order, the Tapa Gaccha, this book focuses on the consolidation by the Tapa Gaccha from the thirteenth century...
While ornamental plants are produced mainly for their aesthetic value, the propagation and improvement of quality attributes such as leaf types, flower colour and fragrance, longevity and form, plant ...
Presenting the challenges and opportunities ahead, the contributors to this volume critically examine the current status and future direction of research in international marketing. The result of a su...
"Shaping Organizational Strategies" will equip students and practicing managers with strategic insights into the process of managing odds and for dealing with emerging fluid situations which can affec...
When electrons are confined to two dimensions, cooled to near absolute zero temperature, and subjected to a strong magnetic field, they form an exotic new collective state of matter. Investigations in...
Geomicrobiology is a combination of geology and microbiology, and includes the study of interaction of microorganisms with their environment, such as in sedimentary rocks. This is a new and rapidly-de...
Describes endoscopic surgical steps with help of high quality colour illustrations:* Highly subject specific* Additions of recent advances in the field* This atlas has the combination of text referenc...
Earlier, we edited a well received series on "Somatic embryogenesis in woody trees", volumes 1 to 6. These volumes provided readers detailed extensive reviews on somatic embryogenesis of important ang...
Finding ways to alleviate global poverty poses a major challenge for political leaders and intellectuals worldwide. The contributors to this volume, top scholars of international business, examine the...
Incorporates the use of MATLAB to help readers visualize and understand the mathematics and solve problems requiring heavy computationBrings relevance to the material through many examples, most drawn...