
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "jak go coles", znaleziono 18

Inteligencja moralna dzieci
Inteligencja moralna dzieci
Robert Coles

Książka podejmuje modny temat inteligencji moralnej. Autor próbuje odpowiedzieć na pytanie, jak wychować dziecko, aby wyrosło na dobrego człowieka, podkreślając rolę, jaką odgrywa kształtowanie w proc...

Fundamentals of Interior Architecture
Fundamentals of Interior Architecture
J. Coles

Now students of architecture and interior design can get a full introduction to interior architecture and its history in one authoritative volume. "The Fundamentals of Interior" "Architecture," the fi...

Żeglowanie w warunkach sztormowych
Żeglowanie w warunkach sztormowych
Adlard Kaines Coles

Robin Kyte-Coles

Format 7.3 x 6.6 x 0.9 inches

Przeżyć wśród ludzi
Przeżyć wśród ludzi
Elizabeth Post, Joan M. Coles

Książka specjalnie dostosowana do potrzeb dzisiejszych nastolatków, zawiera przydatne porady dotyczące wszystkich dziedzin życia, bardziej lub mniej kłopotliwych sytuacji, począwszy od rozmów przez te...

Żeglowanie w trudnych warunkach
3 wydania
Żeglowanie w trudnych warunkach
Adlard Kaines Coles, Peter Bruce

Żeglowanie w trudnych warunkach zawdzięcza swoją wysoką międzynarodową pozycję kluczowym informacjom opartym na ciężko zdobytym doświadczeniu innych żeglarzy. Na stronach tej książki znajduje się ogro...

T-SQL dla zaawansowanych. Przewodnik programisty
T-SQL dla zaawansowanych. Przewodnik programisty
Miguel Cebollero, Michael Coles, Jay Natarajan

W wielu środowiskach IT serwer bazodanowy jest szczególnie ważnym elementem infrastruktury. Microsoft SQL Server jest jednym z częściej spotykanych rozwiązań. Aby w pełni wykorzystać jego możliwości, ...

Adlard Coles Book of Electronic Navigation
Adlard Coles Book of Electronic Navigation
Tim Bartlett

This guidebook is aimed at anyone with an interest in navigating small craft, but particularly at those working towards RYA Day Skipper, Yachtmaster, Motor Cruising or Advanced Powerboat certificates....

Murder at the Manor
Murder at the Manor
Catherine Coles
Cykl: Tommy and Evelyn Christie, tom 1

Evelyn Christie has resigned herself to another long, boring weekend at Hessleham Hall, the home of her husband, Tommy's, family. However, it turns out to be anything but dull when his uncle, the Ear...

Murder at the Village Fete
Murder at the Village Fete
Catherine Coles
Cykl: Tommy and Evelyn Christie, tom 2

Evelyn Christie, the new Lady Northmoor, is looking forward to hosting the local village fete in the grounds of Hessleham Hall. However, the last thing she expects to see on the morning of the fete ...

Story of Ruby Bridges
Story of Ruby Bridges
Robert Coles

As the first black child to attend an all-white elementary school, this historical fiction shows us all how brave and forgiving a 6-year-old child can be. "Our Ruby taught us all a lot. She became som...

Design Art
Design Art
Alex Coles

For well over a hundred years certain artists have blurred the distinction between 'art' and 'design', creating works for which Alex Coles has coined the term 'DesignArt'. In a pioneering study of th...

Secular Mind
Secular Mind
R. Coles

Does the business of daily living distance us from life's mysteries? Do most Americans value spiritual thinking more as a hobby than as an all-encompassing approach to life? Will the concept of the so...

Tourism Diasporas & Space
Tourism Diasporas & Space
Tim Coles

Diasporas result from the scattering of populations and cultures across geographical space and time. Transnational in nature and unbounded by space, they cut across the static, territorial boundaries ...

How to Drive a Tank
How to Drive a Tank
F. Coles

and Other Everyday Tips for the Modern Gentleman Call yourself a man? You do? Do you even know what a real man is? Are you a six-foot-one Adonis who wears all the latest fashions, moisturises regularl...

Beyond Gated Politics
Beyond Gated Politics
R. Coles

In the early years of the new millennium, the practice of democracy in America and around the world faces tremendous dangers: the proliferation of transnational corporations, the spread of oppressive ...

International Business and Tourism
International Business and Tourism
T. Coles

Whether it’s bungee jumping in Queenstown or visiting the Guinness factory in Dublin, where we travel – and what we do when we get there - has changed significantly in the past twenty years. This inno...

Murder in the Churchyard
Murder in the Churchyard
Catherine Coles
Cykl: Tommy and Evelyn Christie, tom 3

When the body of Isolde Newley's long lost husband is found in the grounds of St Augustus churchyard, suspicion falls on Isolde and everyone close to her - especially her new love interest, the dashi...

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