Własnym głosem, na własnych zasadach. W czerwcu 2020 roku Pracownia Badań nad Historią i Tożsamościami LGBT+ w ISNS UW we współpracy z Fundacją im. Heinricha Bölla ogłosiła konkurs na pamiętniki. ...
Hands-on sticker activity book which enables children to practise the alphabet at home. By looking at the pictures and saying the sounds, children can anticipate which letter comes next and fill the g...
Helps you to learn to: tell a story aloud, read the story yourself.
As we grow older, our need to be engaged in interesting activities does not diminish and is vital to our quality of life. 'How to Make Your Care Home Fun' examines the need for activities for elderly...
How to combat stress and anxiety to be calmer, happier and more fulfilled. Combat stress and anxiety to be calmer, happier and more fulfilled. Life in the 21st century is tough - new technology, cons...
Helps you to learn: to tell a story aloud, to read the story yourself.