Since entry into force of the Treaty of Amsterdam on 1 May 1999, the EU has considered, and in many cases adopted, many proposals for legislation or measures implementing legislation in the area of im...
Rozszyfruj przeszłość William Wenton - czy raczej - Olsen - od czasu tajemniczego wypadku musi wraz z rodzicami żyć w ukryciu, pod przybranym nazwiskiem. Fascynują go szyfry, kody i łamigłówki, które ...
nternational experts from academia, industry and government discuss the cellular mechanisms that underlie rapid and delayed responses to oxygen deprivation, known as hypoxia. This volume brings togeth...
Between 1700 and 1885 the British became the paramount power on the Indian subcontinent, their authority extending from Sri Lankain the south to the Himalayasin the north. It was a massive empire, ins...