Naofumi Iwatani, an uncharismatic Otaku who spends his days on games and manga, suddenly finds himself summoned to a parallel universe He discovers he is one of four heroes equipped with legendary wea...
'Annemarie Schimmel's translation of Nasir-i Khusraw s qasidahs also included a detailed study of the poet and his work. A great thinker of the early Islamic world, whose writing inspired the intellec...
Naofumi Iwatani continues his adventure in this second volume. But his task is not yet complete and obstacles mount as the increasingly ominous waves of destruction approach. He finds a new friend and...
Naofumi Iwatani, still beset by enemies, continues to adventure and battle his way through a fantasy world—a world he was suddenly thrown into without warning. In the third volume of this epic series,...
Naofumi is on the run. Relentlessly pursued by Motoyasu and the others, Naofumi turns to a new friend for help—but things are not as they seem. A corrupt nobleman from Raphtalia's past returns to unle...
Naofumi is off to the Cal Mira islands, where he plans to continue leveling up. Soon after arriving he meets a mysterious young man named L’Arc Berg. But how will this curious new character impact Nao...
After their battle with Glass, Naofumi and his friends work to revitalize the Cal Mira islands before returning to the castle. On the ship back to Melromarc, they meet a young girl named Rishia, who c...