
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "jest party sf na", znaleziono 9

Parties and Party Systems in the EU Member States at the Turn of the 20th and 21st Centuries
Parties and Party Systems in the EU Member States at the Turn of the 20th and 21st Centuries
Sabina Klimek, Jan Klimek

Monografia, którą oddajemy do rąk Czytelnika jest pierwszą w polskiej literaturze politologicznej próbą całościowego spojrzenia na życie polityczne zjednoczonej Europy, bez podziału na zachodnią i wsc...

Handbook of Party Politics
Handbook of Party Politics
R. Katz

'This thoughtful and wide-ranging review of parties and party research contains contributions from many of the foremost party scholars and is a must for all library shelves' - Richard Luther, Keele Un...

Jack of Hearts (And Other Parts)
Jack of Hearts (And Other Parts)
L. C. Rosen

Couldn't get enough of Love, Simon or The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue? This is the (slightly NSFW) book for you! --------------- 'My first time getting it in the butt was kind of weird. I ...

Life and Soul of the Party
Life and Soul of the Party
Mike Gayle

Meet Melissa and Paul: Five years after they split up he's still looking for love in all the wrong places while she wants the one thing she can't have: Paul. Meet Chris and Vicky: They're so in tune t...

Short History of Liberal Party 1900-2001
Short History of Liberal Party 1900-2001

This highly topical and authoritative history examines the changing fortunes of the Liberals from the landslide victory of 1906, through the divisions and decline of the interwar years, to the repeate...

Encyclopedia of Materials Parts & Finishes 2ed
Encyclopedia of Materials Parts & Finishes 2ed
M. Schwartz

Fourteen brucellosis experts from seven countries discuss the history, epidemiology, microbiology, immunology, diagnosis, treatment, and control of brucellosis in animals and man. Edited by members of...

Parry and Grant Encyclopaedic Dictionary of International 3e
Parry and Grant Encyclopaedic Dictionary of International 3e
J. Grant

For nearly thirty-five years, the international legal community has relied on one ambitious yet humble volume as a starting point for legal questions. This classic red volume is a one-of-a-kind refere...

Bundle of Algorithms in C++ Parts 1-5 3e
Bundle of Algorithms in C++ Parts 1-5 3e
R. Sedgewick

Software developers and computer scientists have eagerly awaited this comprehensive revision of Robert Sedgewick's landmark texts on algorithms for C++. Sedgewick has completely revamped all five sect...

Design Parts Sourcebook: Romantic: Hundreds of Icons, Illustrations, and Letters for Romantically Themed Projects and Designs
Design Parts Sourcebook: Romantic: Hundreds of Icons, Illustrations, and Letters for Romantically Themed Projects and Designs

More than 750 romantically-inspired illustrations, images and lettering This book is a useful and inspirational collection of romantically inspired images to use, modify and customize for your own art...

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