Pingu to uśmiechnięty młody pingwinek, który uwielbia psoty i przez to ciągle pakuje się w komiczne historie. Mieszka w śnieżnym świecie, w którym wszyscy mówią po "pingwińsku" - w miłym i łatwym do z...
Prawdziwa miłość istnieje tylko w książkach. I tylko tam można spotkać zakończenie „i żyli długo i szczęśliwie”. Maja jest bibliotekarką, pasjonatką książek, która na własnej skórze przekonała się...
Dziewczynka-Stonka i krwawe gody Marty Borkowskiej to druga część przygód tytułowej bohaterki ? niezwykłej dziewczynki obdarzonej ponadprzeciętną intuicją i inteligencją. Książka stanowi kontynuację p...
(Wydanie I, Wydawnictwo Egmont Polska, Warszawa, 2024) "Jonka, Jonek i Kleks - wydanie jubileuszowe. Tom 1" - Przygody Jonki, Jonka i Kleksa to klasyka polskiego komiksu dziecięcego autorstwa Szarlo...
(Wydanie I, Wydawnictwo Egmont Polska, Warszawa, 2024) "Jonka, Jonek i Kleks - wydanie jubileuszowe. Tom 2" - Przygody Jonki, Jonka i Kleksa to klasyka polskiego komiksu dziecięcego autorstwa Szarlo...
Wydanie zbiorcze dwóch pierwszych części cyklu Cyann François Bourgeona, uznawanego za mistrza i klasyka komiksu francuskiego. W odległej przyszłości planetę Olh pustoszy purpurowa gorączka. Aby znale...
Drogi „dwóch najsmutniejszych narodów” tej ziemi rozeszły się na zawsze – podsumowywał w 1984 roku relacje polsko-żydowskie po II wojnie światowej Raphael Scharf, ubolewając nad tym, że wraz z Żydami ...
Drogi "dwóch najsmutniejszych narodów" tej ziemi rozeszły się zawsze- podsumowywał w 1984 roku relacje polsko- żydowskie po II wojnie światowej Raphael Scharf, ubolewając nad tym że wraz z Żydami, uni...
She’ll never run. Among the tiger shifters, Alexis Tarasova is regarded as fierce and dangerous, with a reputation that would make even the most daring tiger think twice about challenging her. Female...
Since before King Aodren was born, Channelers—women with a magical ability—have been persecuted in Malam. Now Aodren wants to end the bloody divide and unite his kingdom. But decades of hatred can't b...
Tamsin Greene comes from a long line of witches, and she was supposed to be one of the most Talented among them. But Tamsin's magic never showed up. Now seventeen, Tamsin attends boarding school in Ma...
What would you do if you were given the impossible second chance with the one who got away? Ryan is approaching middle age and feeling unhappy living a life filled with regrets and missed opportunit...
Once Upon A Time is a book about childhood. To raise money for the NSPCC over fifty celebrities from show business, religion and politics have written touching accounts of their own childhoods. Some o...
Caldecott Medal-winning artist Small and award-winning author Armstrong have created a roller-coaster ride of a picture book told in rhyming street signs that will tickle and delight readers from begi...
Beguiling and ambitious new novel from the author of 'Balzac & The Little Chinese Seamstress', covering a century of Chinese history and about a search for a text and an identity. The final Buddhist ...
Nineteen years before, a famous man disappeared from L.A., taking his two children to a rocky, desolate corner of New Mexico. Raising them in complete isolation, this utopian "Sanctuary" is one man's ...
The Billionaire Boys Club is a secret society of six men who have vowed success—at any cost. Not all of them are old money, but all of them are incredibly wealthy. They’re just not always as successfu...
Sometimes wrong is oh-so-right… After a wrenching loss, Ben McDaniel tried to escape his grief by working in dangerous, war-torn places like Africa and the Middle East. Now he’s back in his hometown ...
The tumultuous recent century of Europe's history is traced in this five-volume set, which picks up the story begun in its companion set, < I>Europe 1789-1914< /I>. < P>Profiling the age of war and re...
When Andrea Ashworth's childhood memoir was published in 1998 it left critics stunned; it became an international bestseller and continues to move readers around the world. Set in grim 1970s Mancheste...
A love story during the Great Depression in Poland 1930; Poland’s economy is beginning to suffer as a result of the Great Depression. Kind-hearted but naive Marianna lives with her parents in the r...
In this new prequel episode from Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials universe, Lee Scoresby–Texan aeronaut and future friend to Lyra Belacqua–is just 24 years old, and he’s recently won his hot-air ba...
The < I>Encyclopedia of Western Colonialism since 1450< /I> provides students and researchers with a much-needed, comprehensive resource on the subject of colonialism and expansion. From a global pers...
Complete set Since 1961 the Adelphi Papers have provided some of the most informed accounts of international and strategic relations. Produced by the world renowned International Institute of Strategi...
Covering every Italian Spaghetti Westernmainly the good but also the bad and the uglythis is an authoritative, entertaining and comprehensive companion to the implausible international fusion of produ...
In these dark, dreamlike love stories with a twist, Ludmilla Petrushevskaya tells of strange encounters in claustrophobic communal apartments, ill-fated holiday romances, office trysts, schoolgirl cru...