This book provides a solid and uniform derivation of the various properties BÄĹ zier and B-spline representations have, and shows the beauty of the underlying rich mathematical structure. The book foc...
Książka z filmem na DVD. Opowiada o przygodach dwóch sympatycznych i wielkodusznych sióstr, których perypetie pomogą przenieść się do świata marzeń i podróży. Shimmer ma wielkie serce, jest pogodna i ...
Poznaj kolejne fantastyczne przygody ulubionych bohaterów! Książeczka z opowiadaniem zachęca dziecko do czytania. Piękne ilustracje przykuwają wzrok.
Publikacja jest oparta na licencji bajki emitowanej na popularnym kanale dla dzieci – Nickelodeon. Opowiada o przygodach dwóch sióstr, które są sympatycznymi i wielkodusznymi dżinnkami. Ich perypetie ...
Publikacja oparta na licencji bajki emitowanej na popularnym kanale dla dzieci - Nickelodeon. Opowiada o przygodach dwóch sióstr, które są sympatycznymi i wielkodusznymi dżinkami. Ich perypetie pomogą...
From imaging technology to the future of spine care, this edition brings you up to date on basic science, clinical studies, and the natural histories of common and rare spine conditions and diseases. ...
This is a practical surgical reference for all aspects of spine surgery, including detailed written and visual descriptions of each surgical procedure. It covers all of the spine including lumbar, tho...
The classic reference that practitioners have been turning to for the best operative and non-operative approaches in spinal treatment since 1975! It is considered the defining source on the basic scie...
The foremost authorities from chiropractic, orthopaedics and physiotherapy present a practical overview of spinal rehabilitation. This clinical resource presents the most current and significant spina...
Now expanded to two volumes, the Third Edition of this classic text is the definitive encyclopedia on cranial and spinal MRI. This edition features new chapters on functional neuroanatomy, diffusion M...
This is an exciting time for those involved in the care of patients with back pain. Generally, the goal in treating back pain patients is to reduce pain and increase function. Traditionally in spine s...
Ain’t nothin’ says the holidays like the smell of cadaver. Before now, I never heard of a Christmas tree causin’ anyone trouble. I’d blame Sam, but hell, I was with her when we bought it. Still, I s...
Vivid 3D computer-generated images clearly illustrate the features of each structure. The easy-to-understand text links to corresponding subjects. Features include rotating and still 3D models; mouse-...
Established as the leading textbook on imaging diagnosis of brain and spine disorders, Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain and Spine is now in its Fourth Edition. This thoroughly updated two-volum...
In July 1944, Operation Cobra broke the stalemate in Normandy and sent the Allies racing across France. The Allied commanders ignored Paris in their planning for this campaign, considering that the ri...